
Fildena Super Active is recommended pills by an expert for erectile dysfunction problems in a man. With the help of these sildenafil pills, you can maintain erection and enjoy moments with your partner.

Active IngredientSildenafil Citrate
ManufacturerFortune Healthcare
Packaging10 Tablets/Capsules in a Strip
Delivery Time6 To 15 days
SKU:Fildena Super Active
SKU: SC100FSACT Categories: ,

Available Options

Pack SizePriceQuantity 
90 tablets$135.00
120 tablets$162.00
150 tablets$185.00
300 tablets$300.00


What is Fildena Super Active for ED?

  • Oral medicines of Fildena Super Active bring about penile hardness.
  • This medication will give you a satisfying sexual pleasure as it restores the capabilities of your harder erection.
  • Fildena Super Active containing generic Sildenafil is going to help you gain erections anytime within its effective durable time of 4-6 hours.

What does Fildena Super Active do?

  • Penile failures are something you can expect to get rid of using the oral Fildena Super Active tablets.
  • The pills increase the vasodilation of the blood vessels thus allowing you to have more blood flow to the penis.
  • The use of this tablet is best if you stay in constant touch with the doctor.
  • Your ED severance and tolerance of generic Sildenafil will determine the dose for Fildena Super Active.

What is the working method for Fildena Super Active?

  • Just after generic Sildenafil starts to mix with blood the method of working begins off with the gradual inhibition of the PDE-5 hormones.
  • With this, the effects of the cGMP hormone come to the effect of releasing generic Sildenafil in the blood.
  • The blood arterial tissues can relax and ease off upon the effects of nitric oxide.
  • This also supplements the blood flow inside the tissues thus allowing the penis sensations to increase.

How long before you can feel the effects of Fildena Super Active?

  • Containing generic Sildenafil depends on the strength of generic Sildenafil in the pills that will kick off the effects.
  • Expect generic Sildenafil to kick start the hardness in erections after around 30-45 minutes of ingesting a pill for Fildena 100.

What are the side effects of Fildena Super Active?

  • What side effect any other ED patient has got does not mean that you will have to undergo the same changes too.
  • The severity of each side effect can be of three levels that include-mild, moderate, and severe.

Here are the side effects listed below-

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Chest pain
  • Faster heartbeat
  • Palpitations
  • Tremors
  • Blurred vision
  • Lower libido
  • Painful erections
  • Priapism
  • Difficulty in urinating

Substances that may interact with Fildena Super Active

Interacting agents of generic Sildenafil are listed below-

  • Grapefruit juice
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Nitrate compound containing medicines
  • Antibiotics and antivirals, a few of them
  • HIV and AIDS drugs
  • Alpha-blocker medicines
  • Contraceptive pills
  • Blood pressure drugs

Precautions to take with Fildena Super Active

  • As a precautionary measure, you are to use the medicine only when it has been recommended by a doctor.
  • You don’t have any authority in changing the dosage of the medicine as per your wish.

Which people are at maximum risk for Fildena Super Active?

  • People with cardiac, liver, and kidney problems should refrain from the use of Fildena.
  • Those with prior surgeries done in heart, liver, and kidney
  • Those undergoing kidney dialysis
  • Those suffering from retinitis pigmentosa

Are there any risks to taking Fildena Super Active over dosage?

  • Overdosing Fildena Super Active has certain associated risks of its own.
  • You may suffer from severe ill effects and downside of this medicine if not adhered to the right doses.

Additional information

Pack Size

120 tablets, 150 tablets, 300 tablets, 90 tablets


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